Pussy Willow Folklore Card
Pussy Willow Folklore Card

Pussy Willow Folklore Card


Learn the legend and folklore of this creature, with detailed stories and information on the back of the card as well as a Divination, Oracle, or Fortune in case you decide to build your collection of these cards and want to make a custom deck. 



Pussy Willows have a heart warming story behind how they got their name. 

There was once a great city, so old and long forgotten that no one could remember its name. The people of these lands adored cats, and believed them to be sacred. 

The villagers took amazing care of them and  the cats were all fat and happy. 

One day, without warning there came a great flood, and cats hate water. The ground was soaked and their paws were caked in mud so they all decided to climb into the trees and avoid the slimy muck. 

The older cats were able to set out to a mountain with lots of large trees where they were safe from harms way but the kittens, their little legs were too tired to get them as far and they couldn’t climb the mountain.

Fortunately they came upon a row of willow trees, and  climbed their dainty paws up into the small welcoming branches of the little forks that popped out from the ground at the trunk. There they curled up and fell fast asleep safe and sound. 

The winds picked up and absolutely covered the kittens in mud, until their fluff was hidden and there was not a hint of the sweet kitty sleeping safely inside.

When the storm had passed, and the sun came out once more, the brown shells began to crack and out popped the soft fluffy grey fur of the kittens. The shells fell away and there the kittens decided to stay safe and happy up in their tree. 

Pussy willows signify the beginning of spring, and can be found along river banks in march. They have little fluffy buds, that eventually get long to spread their pollen and look just like fluffy cat tails. 


❤ Divination/Fortune meaning:

Spring is a time for transformation my friend, I think a much needed change is coming to your life. 

Change can be frightening initially, but more importantly the discomfort of it is sometimes necessary in order to feel the calm and peace that is rewarded with facing what frightens us. 

Don't be scared, this change is going to be a good one and just what you need to come out the other side feeling more yourself than you have in a long time. 

Your bravery will be rewarded with the break and calm you deserve. You can get through the storm. 

 Measures 4.2 x 5.5 inches

❤Glossy front. 

❤ High quality printing, so it can be displayed or framed.