This creature is called an Erii. These sweet little lumps are pet spirits, and everyones Erii is different. Have you ever had a moment when you’ve been feeling down and out? But as if out of no where theres a little voice encouraging you and telling you that you can keep going. “You can do this” “its going to get better
That is your Erii trying to bring you out of the dark and into the light again ,we all have one just waiting to come out. Everyones Erii is different, maybe yours is a cat, or a bat. Theres hundreds of pet spirits so the possibilities are endless.
Their main function is to teach their owners how to love themselves just a little bit more. Small kindnesses to start, brushing your teeth, washing your hair, making your bed, will all help your Erii to start to glow. The more patience and kindness you show yourself, the brighter they will shine.
If you’re having a day where you can’t seem to find a way to start the glowing the Erii may even sacrifice their own heart to help heal yours. Sometimes that leaves a little hole in their tummies, but not to worry they are the only creature that can grow back their heart with enough light around them, sunlight helps. So make sure to thank them for this gift and let a little sunshine fall on yourself and your Erii!
Eriis love to cook, especially nourishing "love you" soups and "can do it"cakes. They spend their off time, hiding in lightbulbs, vacationing to the stars and shopping for bigger and fancier ribbons to wear as a signal of the growth that their owners have been on. The bigger the bow the bigger the journey.
Each of these plush light up when you press the heart on its wing, great for a gentle night light, to create some ambience and to give you a warm feeling from head to toe.
The Erii plush DOES NOT WIGGLE like in the videos, we're using movie magic to make it move!